Pray For our Board of Directors as they seek to broaden the scope of those we are able to assist and make wise decisions for the mission.
Volunteer Volunteers are needed to work 9-12 Monday & Wednesday mornings and the first Saturday of each month. Both men and women are needed. If you would like to volunteer, please visit here to fill out the application.
Donation of Goods We appreciate your donation of gently used, clean clothing, Christian books & CDs, housewares, etc. Items may be brought during hours listed above or placed in the donation bin at the rear of the building at other times. Email us if you would like a donation receipt.
Inform We are always eager to hear of any gospel preaching missionary or work that may need our help or a local family in need.
Give We are in need of both church and individual support to continue to supply quality items for our missionaries. Accountability Statement WJM takes very seriously any funds entrusted to us for use. We are aware that we are to be accountable stewards towards those who share their time, money and prayers with us. We know that God sees and weighs all that we do, and we seek His wisdom in every decision. All designated monies will go 100% to the place or project for which they were designated. No director or officer of WJM receives any compensation.